Two Kitties Are Better Than One!

Whether you already have a cat or are considering adding another to the family, read on to learn why you may want to consider adopting a pair of kitties.

Mentally stimulate and entertain each other. 

Despite the stereotypes of loner kitties, cats aren’t totally independent, solitary animals. When they’re left alone for too long, they can become bored and lonely, which can lead to “acting out” with bad behaviors. Better negative attention than no attention, right? That’s why it’s vital to keep your cat stimulated and entertained, especially if you work outside the home or have a super busy schedule.

Adopting two kitties at the same time will ensure your kitties always have company and a reliable source of entertainment. While you check off your to-do list, they’ll play, cuddle, and snooze the day away.

Want to ensure your kitties will not only entertain each other but will also get along? Look for Kitties from the same litter or a pair that bonded during their time in the rescue.

Social Skills and Training Way Easier

You know the saying, “Monkey see, monkey do?” When you’re training a kitty, it’s really “kitty see, kitty do.” Cats learn good behaviors and social skills—like using the litter box, becoming friends with your family, confidence, grooming, and not nipping or scratching—by watching other cats.

Accordingly, if one kitty quickly learns her good behaviors, the other is likely to follow suit—much faster than they would’ve learned on her own. 

Exercised and Active

Kitties burn off their excess energy in a number of ways. Some of those ways are hilarious—like when he randomly leap into the air or play. But other ways aren’t so hilarious—like when she chews or scratches your furniture. It’s important to keep Kitties active and engaged to avoid these types of bad behaviors, but even the most dedicated kitty parent may not have hours and hours to dedicate to playtime.

That’s where a second kitty comes in. Playtime between two kitties will keep them exercised, active, and mentally stimulated, and fit so you can sit back, relax, and enjoy the kitty antics.

Prevent Food Pickiness

A picky eater can be extremely frustrating—and if she refuses to eat for a few days in a row, pickiness can be a little scary, too and can lead to health issues. Oftentimes, however, a picky kitty’s curiosity will overcome her distaste for a particular food. Meaning, if they see another kitty eating something, they want to eat it, too.  

Kitten May Drive Your Older Cat Bananas

Believe it or not, if you already have a mature cat, two kittens are better than one. Why? A new kitten will see your older cat as a playmate—whether she likes it or not—and could become a nuisance to her or, worse, cause her stress and anxiety. If you adopt two kittens, however, they’ll play with each other, leaving your older cat in peace. 

Groom Each Other

The key to a squeaky clean kitten? Another kitten! Although cats do a pretty good job of keeping themselves clean with self-grooming techniques,  a brother or sister can help them get those hard-to-reach areas. Your duo might even develop a regular grooming routine after mealtime or playtime. 

You’ll Save Another Life

One of the strongest arguments for adopting two cats, rather than one, is simple: If you adopt two cats, you’re saving two lives. 

Even though kittens are more likely to be adopted, not every kitten finds her fur-ever home right away. In fact, if you visit your local animal shelter, many of the mature cats you see probably entered the shelter as kittens, but, for whatever reason, weren’t adopted. Accordingly, finding homes for litters of kittens shortly after they enter the shelter has a few major benefits:

  • It prevents kittens and cats from living their entire lives in the rescue.
  • If kittens aren’t available for adoption, older cats have a better chance of being adopted.
  • Adopting available kittens and cats creates more space for the rescue to bring in other animals in need

Adopting Two Doesn’t Cost Much More Than Adopting One

Yup, you can double your cuteness and fun without doubling your finances. Aside from kitten spay/neuter, microchip, immunizations and deworming which is covered in the adoption fee and offer discounts and payment option for adoption 2 kitties. Adopting two kitties at the same time doesn’t cost much more than adopting one. Kitties can share many of their supplies—including litter boxes, food and water dishes, toys, beds, and more.

Whether you already have a cat or are considering adding another to the family, read on to learn why you may want to consider adopting a pair of kitties.